Who is Chad Doermans Wife? The Ohio Father Who Mrdered His Three Sons

Chad Doerman of Ohio mμrders his three sons while his wife lives. He is an Ohio native who snapped and mμrdered his three sons in a heinous act that shocked the nation. He mμrdered his three sons, ages three, four, and seven, at their house on the 1900 block of Laurel Lindale Rd. in Monroe Township.

Chad Doerman also sh0t his wife, but she survived the non-life-threatening woμnd. He also has a daughter, whose age has not been disclosed, who survived the sh00ting.

This article is about Chad Doerman’s wife, so who is Chad Doerman’s wife? As well as additional information concerning the heinous Ohio sh00ting.

Who is Chad Doerman Wife?

Chad Doerman’s wife is the mother of three children who were brμtally mμrdered by their own father in Ohio. On June 15th, 2023, a 32-year-old father from Ohio snapped and mμrdered his family, kἰlling his three sons and threatening to mμrder his wife.

Chad Doerman sh0t his wife, but she survived with only non-life-threatening gμnsh0t wounds. Doerman is accused of mμrdering and sh00ting his three young sons and admits to plotting the mμrders and lining them up before sh00ting them.

During Doerman’s arraignment Friday, Clermont County’s lead prosecutor of Municipal Court, David Gast, claimed one of the boys tried to flee into a neighboring field, but Doerman “hμnted” him down and brought him back to their home before kἰlling him.

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Chad Doerman also attempted to kἰll his wife by sh00ting at her. Doerman has been charged with three counts of aggravated mμrder in connection with the deἀths of the three boys, ages three, four, and seven.

The 34-year-old wife of Chad Doerman, who was trying to protect her sons from their father, was sh0t in hand outside the house, according to the police. Her injuries weren’t life-threatening, so she was taken to the hospital.

In court, Clermont County Prosecutor David Gast testified that Chad Doerman had been planning his mμrder for months and that his wife had tried to dissuade him.

Gast said to People-

“This did not happen on a whim. The trauma that this man has inflicted on his family, the community, law enforcement, first responders, and all of the rest of us who have any idea of what is going on here is unspeakable.”

“But the evil horror of what we know is impossible to processs. In an act of just incomprehensible cruelty, the father lined up his three young boys and he executed them in his own home with a rifle.”

He praised Chad Doerman’s wife for her fortitude while also disclosing that she had tried in vain to stop her insane husband.

He said, “In an act of desperation, the mother at some point grabbed the gun that the father was wielding to attempt to protect them.”

Laura is the name of Chad Doerman’s wife, who is supposedly 34 years old. The three boys who were put to deἀth and a daughter who survived the terrifying sh00ting make up Chad Doerman and his wife’s four children.

Neighbors told the reporters that Chad Doerman had a terrible temper and abused his wife brutally a few days after the hoɼrifying event.

Richard Kincannon, a neighbor, told WCPO News-

“He was angry every day. There wasn’t a day he didn’t yell at his wife and kids out there.”

Kincannon said Doerman had a temper, “yelling all the time and treating (his wife) like s***.”

People who knew the pair claimed that Doerman and his wife Laura would frequently dispute, according to Doerman’s friend Mark Holland, who spoke with The Messenger.

He said, “I had a bad temper, really bad. I think he was a bomb ready to explode.”

On June 16, Liz Dufour posted a tweet. You can read the complete tweet that we’ve provided below-

Chad Doberman, 32, tears up as Clermont chief prosecutor describes how he planned and executed his three young boys at their home in Monroe Township. Bond was set at $20 million. ⁦@Enquirer⁩ ⁦@ckpj99⁩ ⁦@CincinnatiPhilpic.twitter.com/tjft3nwhcA

— Liz Dufour (@ldufour) June 16, 2023

Rachel Brown, a sister of Chad Doerman’s wife, set up a GoFundMe to aid the family after the tragedy. She writes in her GoFundMe post-

“My sister lost her three amazing babies yesterday. Nothing will make this better, it will never be okay. But please if you can find it in your heart to help relieve the financial burden of this tragedy, please donate. No one should have to go through this.”

The GoFundMe had raised nearly $140,000 as of the time this post was filed, significantly exceeding its initial goal of $20,000. Chad Doerman’s father, Keith Doerman, told the media that he had no idea what drove his boys to deἀth and attack his wife in Ohio.

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The senior Doerman said, “He just snapped,” to The New York Post on Saturday.

“There was something going on in his life that he couldn’t handle no more. I can’t talk to him, they aren’t letting me talk to him so I don’t have any answers. He probably hid a lot of stuff from me.”

Keith Doerman mentioned that he had only recently traveled to Chad. Doerman commented, “He seemed fine. He was a jokester and a fun-loving guy.” Chad has no history of mental illness, odd conduct, or cɼiminal activity, according to Doerman.

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