What did CEO Teezy do? Internet erupts as person of interest in Young Dolph's murder case is believe

CEO Teezy, a person of interest in late American rapper Young Dolph's shooting case, has reportedly passed away after he was shot in the Orange Mould Neighbourhood of Memphis. As per several publications like HipHop Lately, Joshua Taylor, aka CEO Tizzy, was wanted in many cases on several charges.

A report from ABC24 also confirmed that CEO Tizzy was found dead in Spotswood, and that his family has identified and confirmed the identity. However, at the moment, the police has reportedly not found any suspects as the investigations are still ongoing.

CEO Teezy was reportedly a suspect in Dolph's murder case, which took place in November 2021. At the time, he was charged with multiple offences that included theft and possession of illegal weapons. For the unversed, Dolph was killed in a drive-by where he was purchasing some cookies from the South Memphis bakery, Makeda’s Homemade Butter Cookies.

“What goes around comes around”: Reports of CEO Teezy’s sudden death after being a “person of interest” sparks debate on social media

As soon as the news of CEO Teezy’s alleged demise reached social media, it left Dolph’s fans in a frenzy, who had a variety of reactions after hearing the news. While many were baffled, others questioned the legitimacy of the news. At the same time, others also wrote “what goes around comes around,” as the deceased was also a suspect in Young Dolph’s 2021 murder case.

As RapHouseTv shared the news on Twitter, here is how social media users reacted:

Social media users baffled after "person of interest" in Young Dolph's murder case gets reportedly killed. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users baffled after "person of interest" in Young Dolph's murder case gets reportedly killed. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users baffled after CEO Teezy, "person of interest" in Young Dolph's murder case gets reportedly killed. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users baffled after "person of interest" in Young Dolph's murder case gets reportedly killed. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users baffled after CEO Teezy, "person of interest" in Young Dolph's murder case gets reportedly killed. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users baffled after "person of interest" in Young Dolph's murder case gets reportedly killed. (Image via Twitter)

At the moment, authorities have not spoken up on the matter of CEO Teezy's death. Many social media users are also growing curious towards knowing who was the one behind CEO Teezy’s death and whether it was at all linked to Dolph’s case. All of this can be known only once authorities shed some light on the matter.

All you should know about Young Dolph

Young Dolph, born Adolph Thornton Jr. on July 27, 1985, was a renowned American rapper and entrepreneur. Hailing from Memphis, Tennessee, he gained significant recognition and a devoted fan base for his unique style and captivating lyrics. With a career spanning over a decade, Young Dolph left an incredible mark on the American hip-hop industry.

Young Dolph's rise to prominence began with his mixtapes, which garnered widespread attention and acclaim. He was known for many of his popular songs and albums, including King of Memphis and Bulletproof, featuring collaborations with notable artists like Gucci Mane, 2 Chainz, and Megan Thee Stallion.

Meanwhile, he was also involved in business, as he invested in real estate and was known for his own line of merchandise. However, tragedy took place and Young Dolph's life was cut short on November 17, 2021, when he was fatally shot in his hometown of Memphis.

His untimely death sent shockwaves through the music industry and left fans mourning the loss of a talented artist who had much more to contribute.

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