Tennis fans on Twitter have shared their reactions to a chair umpire’s hilarious response to Jelena Ostapenko during her recent 2023 Birmingham Classic match.
Ostapenko took on Czech Republic’s Linda Noskova in the opening round of the Birmingham Classic on Tuesday, June 20. The 26-year-old earned a 6-2, 5-7, 6-1 victory to move into the second round.
During the final game of the second set, Noskova broke Ostapenko to force a decider. The Latvian player was seemingly unhappy about a call going in her opponent’s favor at 40-30.
Ostapenko hit a backhand long, but made a signature gesture suggesting that she did not agree with the assessment. The former World No. 5 is widely known for her disaccord with the line calls and umpiring decisions.
The chair umpire for the match, Julie Kjendlie, well aware of Jelena Ostapenko’s frequent disagreements, gave her a no-look response. Kjendlie seemingly turned a blind eye to the former French Open champion’s antics.
The cold response drew hilarious reactions from tennis fans, who hailed the chair umpire for dealing with the situation in a dispassionate manner.
“HELP THE UMPIRE DIDNT EVEN BOTHER TO LOOK AT PENKO WHEN SHOWING HER HOW FAR HER BALL WAS OUT,” one fan noticed. “Long time ago it was funny, next bored, irritable. Now it's sad. Alona has a problem, not only one,” another fan opined. “Umpire: 'This is how many f***s I give, Jelena,'” yet another fan tweeted.Here are a few more reactions from tennis fans:
Jelena Ostapenko will face Venus Williams in the second round of the 2023 Birmingham Classic
Jelena Ostapenko will next face seven-time Grand Slam champion Venus Williams in the second round of the 2023 Birmingham Classic. This will be the duo’s third career meeting, with Williams winning both of their previous clashes.
Their first encounter ended in a 6-3, 7-5 defeat for Ostapenko in the quarterfinals of the 2017 Wimbledon championships. The loss notably came just weeks after she had won the French Open.
Her second defeat against Williams came in the same year during the WTA Finals. A battle of narrow margins was closed out 7-5, 6-7 (3), 7-5 by the legendary American.
However, heading into this match, Williams has just two matches under her belt after making a return to the tour following a six-month injury hiatus. As a result, Ostapenko will fancy her chances this time around.
Ahead of the clash, Ostapenko said she has nothing to lose and will try her best to treat the crowd to an entertaining match.
"She’s a great champion. It’s amazing to share the court with her. I have nothing to lose. I will just try to play my best and I hope you guys will enjoy the match," Ostapenko said in her on-court interview.Quick Links
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