Should you choose the light blue or dark red path?

Biomutant is yet another action-adventure game that is looking to take over the world.

Players take control of a mammalian warrior in a world filled with mutant animals. It has all the customization one would want within a roleplaying game, such as gender, height, fur color, and many other attributes.

After the character creation process, Biomutant players are given a choice between the light blue path and the dark red path. This is the first crucial choice made in the game.

The dark red path of Biomutant

Image via THQ Nordic

The different paths indicate different skill trees that Biomutant players will have available at the start of the game. The following skills are only available for those on the dark red path:

  • Sizzle Ball
  • Telekinesis
  • Sky Spark

This is essentially the evil path that players may take in the game. Different choices throughout may add dark points to the character's aura and ultimately decide which skills they can use.

The light blue path of Biomutant

Image via THQ Nordic

Players that select the light blue path will have different skills unlocked compared to those that have selected the dark red path. The following skills are available for the light blue choice:

  • Freeze
  • Levitat
  • Ki Spark

If the dark red path is considered the evil path of Biomutant, then the light blue path should be considered the good path of the game. These morality stats are all dependent on what choices the player selects throughout.

What Biomutant path to choose

Image via THQ Nordic

Ultimately, this is not the huge choice the game makes it out to be. Selecting either one simply adds two points to either dark or light aura. Choosing one does not lock the player into that aura path for the remainder of Biomutant.

Players can change their aura at any time in Biomutant. They just have to make the choice that aligns with the aura they want. Dark options will, of course, increase the dark aura, while helpful options will increase the light aura.

The ending of the game will depend on the player's overall aura level between the two. Other than that, selecting an option at the beginning is simply putting the Biomutant character on that path to start, and it can be changed anytime.

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