Amanda Bynes-Dan Schneider hot tub video goes viral in wake of actor's recent episode

After Easy A actress Amanda Bynes was found roaming without clothes in the streets of LA on Sunday, March 19, 2023, she was taken to a police station and placed on a 5150 psychiatric hold. The hold is basically to detain the person for 72 hours to evaluate whether they are dangerous to themselves or to others.

While it is estimated that she will have to undergo some treatment, another video of the actress has now surfaced on social media.

In the recent clip, she can be seen in a hot tub with American television producer Dan Schneider while she introduces him as her “special guest” on her show, The Amanda Show.

Given that Amanda looks pretty young in the video, it created quite the buzz on the internet with netizens bashing Dan Schneider as he has previously been in the news for his abusive behavior on set.

One social media user even compared Schneider to s*x offender Jeffrey Epstein, writing:

“Bro is the Jeffrey Epstein of Nickelodeon.”

Amanda has been in psychiatric treatment for a while now, as she was earlier seen checking in at a California treatment center in September 2022 after she tweeted some alarming accusations against her father.

Social media users "worry for Amanda Bynes" as video of her and Dan Schneider resurfaces

As the old video from The Amanda Show appeared on the internet, netizens began pointing out how troublesome it was. Many users speculated that being in a situation like that with Dan Schneider has troubled Amanda Bynes as an adult.

At the same time, others commented on Dan’s history with other Nickelodeon actresses, many of whom have slammed him for many negative experiences in the past, accusing him of misconduct and gender discrimination. In August 2022, Insider also reported how the executive producer would often ask female colleagues for massages.

Considering these allegations, here is how social media users reacted to the viral video of Scheider and Bynes:

Social media users commented on Amanda Bynes- Dan Schneider hot tub video(Image via Twitter)
Social media users commented on Amanda Bynes- Dan Schneider hot tub video(Image via Twitter)
Social media users commented on Amanda Bynes- Dan Schneider hot tub video(Image via Twitter)

Is Amanda Bynes currently hospitalised? More details revealed

After Amanda dialed 911 on herself, she was taken to a police station where a mental health team placed her on a 5150 psychiatric hold. At the moment, the actress is hospitalised. Daily Mail also reported that the actress is likely to receive care for several days. At the moment, no statement has been issued by any of her representatives, so nothing much is known about the further action.

However, this is not the first time that Bynes has been placed on a 5150 psychiatric hold. Back in September 2022, before checking into a California Treatment Center, the actress was held for 72 hours as she lashed out at her father by making some alarming accusations against him on Twitter.

Amanda accused her father of violence by making several tweets. (Image via Twitter)

At the time, she claimed that she was abused physically, verbally and even s*xually by her father when she was a kid. While she deleted her tweets, the parents came and spoke out on the matter and claimed that the statements had “no basis in reality.”

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